
Sunday - 10AM Worship Service | FIRST & THIRD MONDAYS - 7PM Small Groups

by: Lee Everett



Have you ever thought about the connection between gifts and the Missio Dei, the mission of God in the world? While the idea of gifts may initially bring to mind birthdays and holidays, there is a deeper significance to the concept of gifts that can be tied to our understanding of God's mission on earth. Every good and perfect gift comes from God (James 1:17), and when we use our gifts to bless others, we are participating in God's mission of love and reconciliation.

So how can we use our gifts in a way that aligns with the Missio Dei? One way is to see our gifts as tools for serving others and advancing God's kingdom on earth. Whether it's using our talents to serve in our local community, sharing our resources with those in need, or using our skills to advocate for justice and equality, our gifts can be a powerful force for good in the world.

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Have you ever thought about the connection between gifts and the Missio Dei, the mission of God in the world? While the idea of gifts may initially bring to mind birthdays and holidays, there is a deeper significance to the concept of gifts that can be tied to our understanding of God's mission on earth. Every good and perfect gift comes from God (James 1:17), and when we use our gifts to bless others, we are participating in God's mission of love and reconciliation.

So how can we use our gifts in a way that aligns with the Missio Dei? One way is to see our gifts as tools for serving others and advancing God's kingdom on earth. Whether it's using our talents to serve in our local community, sharing our resources with those in need, or using our skills to advocate for justice and equality, our gifts can be a powerful force for good in the world.

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